All things you want to know about RSRTC cancel policies
All things you want to know about RSRTC cancel policies Cancelling online tickets has always been a hassle and we all avoid doing the task. It is mainly because it involves a long procedure or unclear terms & conditions of cancellation policies. RSRTC transparent mechanism has always taken passenger- friendly initiatives. Passengers can easily cancel and get the refund of their RSRTC tickets online. But, what major concerns the passengers face is that how much refund will they get. Here’s your answers to all your doubts about the cancellation and refund policies of RSRTC. 1. 95% of base fare would be refunded- If the ticket is cancelled before 24 hrs of scheduled departure. 2. 80% base fare refunded- If tickets are cancelled within 24 hrs and 1 hour before scheduled departure. 3. 50% base fare refunded- If ticket is cancelled wit...