All things you want to know about RSRTC cancel policies

All things you want to know about RSRTC cancel policies

Cancelling online tickets has always been a hassle and we all avoid doing the task. It is mainly because it involves a long procedure or unclear terms & conditions of cancellation policies.

RSRTC transparent mechanism has always taken passenger- friendly initiatives. Passengers can easily cancel and get the refund of their RSRTC tickets online.

But, what major concerns the passengers face is that how much refund will they get. Here’s your answers to all your doubts about the cancellation and refund policies of RSRTC.


1.       95%  of base fare would be refunded-  If the ticket is cancelled before 24 hrs of scheduled departure.

2.       80%  base fare refunded- If tickets are cancelled within 24 hrs and 1 hour  before scheduled departure.

3.       50% base fare refunded- If ticket is cancelled within 1 hr pr before 30 minutes of scheduled departure

4.       No refund- if tickets are cancelled within 30 minutes of scheduled departure

5.       No refund- In case of absent passenger for the journey at the time of departure

6.       No cash. Refund is made through the payment gateway process only (In Bank Accounts)

7.       You can cancel your ticket online through RSRTC online Portal

8.       No change in details like name, age, date etc can be done after booking the e-ticket. Re- booking can be done after cancelling.

9.       Passenger entitled for concession should produce doctor’s letter, Id card issued by RSRTC or the smart cars

10.   E- booking and cancellation facilities are available 24x 7

Now, enjoy your journey without any stress and book your tickets online. In case of any delay in your travel plans, now you know that you’ll be refunded with a very easy process.  For more information about RSRCT buses visit our website-






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